Admittedly, few are screaming bear in the gold market. 诚然,黄金市场中还没有什么人在高叫“熊来了”。
They have never seen a bear market before, and believe the market can only go up. 他们从来没经历过熊市,相信股市只会不断上涨。
There are many alternatives to bear bile on the market, containing the active constituent found in bear bile: UrsoDeoxyCholic Acid ( UDCA). 市场上有很多可以替代熊胆功能的药物,包括在熊胆上发现的有效成分:熊脱氧胆酸。
Fifth, have to bear in the GEM market, timely adjustments, such as setting strict suspension system, to single out individuals for punishment of the black sheep. 第五,要跟紧创业板市场,进行适时调整,比如设置严格的停牌制度,挑出个别的害群之马给予惩治。
Since the rescue of Bear Stearns in March, prices in the loan market had recovered as funds stepped in to pick up bargains. 自3月份对贝尔斯登(bearstearns)的纾困行动以来,随着基金出手低价买进,贷款市场的价格有所回升。
After a five-year-long bear market, the bull market shouldn't end that fast. 在一个长达五年之久的熊市之后,牛市不应该那么快结束。
Bear Stearns was nowhere near as central to the market's current difficulties. 贝尔斯登远远没有成为市场当前困境的核心。
Bear market offer the buying opportunity, while bull market vindicate his bear market investments with big profits. 熊市提供了买进的机会,牛市是用巨大的收获来证明他在的熊市时的投资(的正确性)。
A bear market is a steady drop in the stock market over a period of time. 熊市是稳步下降,股市经过一段时间的。
Vitis labrusca var. with the characters of big fruit grain, high quality, late-maturing, storable and transportable, can bloom and bear fruit earlier then can be the first to occupy market, when it is planted in dry& hot valley area. 美国黑提葡萄具有粒大、质优、晚熟、耐贮运的特点,在干热河谷地区栽种黑提葡萄,葡萄开花结果提前,成熟早,可以提前上市,抢占市场。
Experiment of cultivation in the pot indicates, Using organic fertilizer Fu erdi, hot pepper that is cultivated in solid substrate blossom. bear and go on the market earlier 7 days than that is cultivated in soil; 3盆栽生物试验表明,施用有机肥田必施,其固体基质栽培的辣椒比土壤栽培的提前7天开花,结果,并提前上市;
The size effect about liquidity premium does not exist in three industries tested in this paper, which are textile industry, oil and plastic industry, machine industry during Jan 2002 to Dec 2004.The difference between bull market and bear market can impact the whole stock market remarkably. 所检验的三个行业:纺织,机械和石油行业在2002年1月至2004年12月之间不存在流动性溢价的规模效应;牛市和熊市的区别对流动性溢价的规模效应有显著影响。
Our country now in an important stage of social reformation, the substantive debts in the market process has become a hidden danger that the state and her departments bear during the process of managing and participating in the market activities. 我国现已处在一个重要的转型社会阶段,在市场化过程中,政府及部门在管理和参与市场经营活动过程中的不当经营,由此产生巨额债务已成为隐患。
The independent farmers will have to bear the risks coming from the nature and market because of the lag of reformation of system of agricultural product distribution. 由于农产品流通体制改革和农业的社会化服务体系滞后,具有独立经济主体资格的农户需要承受来自自然和市场风险。
To carry out ABS business, CDB has to face many obstacles regarding law, accounting and taxation. In the mean time, CDB must also bear the risks arising from under-developed domestic capital market and ABS itself. 开行开展信贷资产证券化要面临国内法律、会计、税收等方面的诸多障碍,要面对国内不完善的资本市场及证券化本身所带来的风险。
Besides, after years of bear market, the Chinese security market starts to boom from 2006. Stocks of publicly owned nonferrous metals companies became the targets of many investors, the prices increased a lot. 另外,中国的证券市场经过几年的熊市,2006年也开始进入牛市。有色金属行业上市公司的股票成了众多投资者追捧的目标,股价大幅上涨。
At present the risk theory of the future market takes a dominant position in the theories on the future market. The theory believes that the arbitragers transfer the risk, the speculators bear the risk and all the activities on the future market center around the risk. 目前在期货市场理论中占主导地位的是期货市场风险论,期货市场风险论认为套期保值者转移风险,投机者承当风险,期货市场的一切活动围绕着风险进行。
The synchronization of stock price of low-quality companies in both bull and bear markets is higher, which intensifies the market volatility. 低质量公司无论在牛市还是熊市,均表现出较高的股价同步性,助涨助跌,加剧市场波动。
Regardless of Chinese securities market in any state ( bull or bear market), the investors are over-confident. But compared to a bear market, the bull market overconfidence effect is more apparent. 但相对于熊市而言,牛市中过度自信效应更为明显。
Obtaining a relatively less benefits, the financial consumer with small forces, asthe end of finance industry chain, bear the entire market unknown risks. 金融消费者作为金融产业链条的末端,为获取相对较少的收益,以微小的力量承担着整个市场的未知风险。
The results show both the company and the farmer need to bear the market uncertainty risk under the "free" mode. 结果表明自由买卖模式下,双方都要承担市场不确定的风险,不仅农户的利益难以得到保障,公司经济效益也受到影响。
Yunnan baoshan Oriental tobacco company as yunnan tobacco commercial enterprise, mainly responsible for yunnan sun-cured tobacco production, processing and sales business, and bear the yunnan tobacco market development duty. 保山香料烟公司作为云南烟草商业企业,主要负责云南晒烟的生产、加工和销售业务,并承担着云南烟草市场开拓的职责。
And the reversal effect got stronger as the holding period extended, the reversal effect in bear market was stronger than the reversal effect in bull market. 而且随着持有期的延长,反转效应变强;熊市时的反转效应强于牛市时的反转效应。
Securities companies in a bull market and bear market end of the initial poor market performance tend to buy stocks, in the end of the bear market will be buying a good stock market performance. 证券公司在牛市的末期和熊市的初期倾向于买进市场表现较差的股票,在熊市的末期则会买入市场表现好的股票。
From the beginning of the end of last century, more and more first-class international commercial banks and investment banks use stress testing techniques to assess the individual institutions to bear the extreme macroeconomic, major financial market volatility shocks. 从上个世纪末开始,越来越多的国际上一流商业银行和投资银行运用压力测试技术来评估单个机构承受极端宏观经济、重大金融市场波动冲击的能力。
In a bull market, buy rating with a high reference value; sell rating has high reference value in a bear market; in the consolidation market, sell rating has a relatively high reference value. 在牛市行情中,买入的评级具有较高的参考价值;在熊市行情中,卖出评级具有较高的参考价值;在盘整行情中,卖出评级具有相对高的参考价值。
Guaranteed fund can guarantee the principal in the bear market and also obtain investment income in the bull market because of their special Investment Portfolio Insurance strategy. So it should be a kind of ideal investment tools. 保本基金由于其特殊的投资组合保险策略,在熊市的时候可以保证本金,在牛市的时候同样可以得到收益,所以保本基金对于求稳的投资者是理想的投资工具。
In particular, under the background of a huge bear market and continuing downturn of the stock market, finance products become the majority of investors 'favorite with the advantage of high stability and low risk. 尤其在经历2007年股市的巨大下挫和至今仍持续熊市的低迷背景下,商业银行理财产品以其稳定性高和风险性低的优势成为广大投资者的新宠。
Classification through the combination of a bull market and bear market portfolio, this paper compares the bull market portfolio and bearish combination of financial early warning indicator system, and compare the differences. 2. 通过牛市组合和熊市组合的分类,本文研究比较了牛市组合和熊市组合下的财务预警指标体系,并比较了其中的差异性。
The myth of the ten years 'bull market of the non-ferrous metal merchandise was shattered by the evolution of the financial storm. the bear market atmosphere of non-ferrous metals was over the entire market. 金融风暴的不断演进使十年商品牛市的神话破灭,有色金属熊市的氛围笼罩了整个市场。